Exams – Dumb or Smart?

My brother and I have our exams going on, so naturally we both are always seen with a book under our noses. We both are fairly responsible when it comes to studies, mostly because academics have always been an essential part in our lives from the very beginning.

My brother was about to give a test (I had a break day) and his teacher asked all the students to shut their eyes, go through every class in their minds, imagine giving the test, and imagine their happiness at receiving 100% in their exams.

Now, the imagination part is good. I usually use that to calm my nerves before exams, but the last part of her statement didn’t sit well with me. Thinking back to all my previous classes, I realised with a start that this was exactly what we were told as well.

Now, you need to understand that my brother is in grade IV, which means that his mind is ready to be shaped. The words he hears now will reflect in his future actions. So, if he hears that he would be happy only if he receives 100% in his exams, he should be ready to be demotivated in the future because no one I know has ever been able to reach 100%.

Disappointment: How to Deal - Tearaway

I have always been called a perfectionist and a stickler for straight-A’s, now we know the reason. I have been molded into this person who does not believe in anything less than A’s. My teachers now tell me to calm down if my grades go down a bit, but my mind has already accepted the fact that anything below 100% is not something to be proud of.

It is hard for me, even now, to accept anything below perfect. No matter how much I try to convince people with my writeups stating that perfection is an idea and each idea is different from the other, I can not believe in it myself.

Why is aiming for nothing less than 100% bad? Well, for one, you are putting unnecessary pressure on your brain, and the second is that perfection was, is, and always will be, just an idea.

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The way to stop people from plunging into their self-created hole is to change the way teachers teach us.

Teachers are our second parents. School is our second family. On an average, each student spends at least 130 hours per academic year. And since we study in school for 14 years, we spend 1820 hours (approx.) in our schools. Can you imagine the impact schools have on us?!

The teachers need to understand that exams were created with the notion to understand how much a student understood in the class and not to judge if the student was a fool or not.

7 tips to help you cope with exam stress | UCL News - UCL – University  College London

Students now give exams, not to judge their understanding of the concepts, but to feel worthy enough to be a part of this society. This creates a deep hole of stress and depression.

The teachers need to focus on the students’ mental health. Teachers need to hold counselling session with us every week, connect with us, talk to us, care about us.

Mental health is very important and during this pandemic, we need to take care of ourselves even more.

Mental Health Awareness 02 by Ella Meyer on Dribbble

Assignments, tests, competitive exams – these do not judge whether you are dumb or smart. These are there to understand how much you have understood. We, humans, have a tendency to compete with ourselves, and it’s okay as long as we are in our limits.

Well, I have nothing else to say except humbly ask all of you to stop thinking that only A Grades can make you happy. Remember that anyone can be literate, but very few are educated.

That’s it for now!


Spread love!! ❀

Published by Tisha_2004

Hey! My name is Tisha Mazumdar. Thanks for checking out my blogs! In short, I am a 16-year-old who wants to be treated as an adult, but doesn't want any responsibilities in return. A workaholic and over-thinker, I like being busy rather than face unwanted feelings. My decisions are not always correct, but I do learn from my mistakes. I don't make the same mistakes... I make new ones! Ready to learn, adapt, and achieve, I am ready to face the world {at least I hope so}.

7 thoughts on “Exams – Dumb or Smart?

  1. Very well written. Its not only the teacher and school its about parents too. We need to tell our kids that A+ grade don’t judge them. And neither they are going to decide that how much important they are to us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I simply loved every word of it. Two things that touched my heart – First one, exams are not an instrument to test one’s intelligence but a way for the teachers to identify understanding of a concept. I really wish parents (including myself) and teachers to get this fact correctly.
    And the second thing, is difference between being literate and educated.
    While you continue to strive for As and perfection, I wish you Good Luck. Be Happy, bcoz thats most important… πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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